Burlington Writers Workshop: A Conversation With...Mike Magluilo

Feb 26, 2023 by Mike Magluilo
[View the original publication online]

A Conversation With…

Mike Magluilo, Co-Host for Book Length Fiction

By Alicia Tebeau-Sherry

For those who are unfamiliar, how did you first get involved with Burlington Writers Workshop (BWW) and what do you do now?

My family moved to Vermont from Colorado in 2021. I had recently completed the first draft of my debut novel A Reason to Run. I discovered BWW and Dick Matheson’s Book Length Fiction Workshop in my search for a supportive local writing community and critique group. The workshop was full at the time, but I eventually got a spot due to a cancellation. At the end of my first meeting, Dick asked if anyone was interested in helping him with the behind-the-scenes administration required to run his group. I figured if I was the administrator, I’d be able to secure a regular spot in the group, and it would be harder for them to kick me out after reading my work.

How does your work background or interests influence your co-hosting of the Book Length Fiction workshop?

My greatest skill is also my greatest curse: I’m a very organized person. It makes up for a lot of my shortcomings but drives my family mad. I like to say I’m organized because I’m lazy. Overdoing the scheduling, preparation and process management in my life keeps me moving, often forward, and helps minimize the anxiety of approaching obligations. These are the sorts of skills that help me keep the logistics of the Book Length Fiction workshop running smoothly.

What are some ways you find inspiration to write when you're stuck?

The most productive creative time of my day is the middle of the night when I wake up and can’t fall back asleep. When I get stuck—usually during the day—I push as hard as I can from all angles to get to know the obstacle in my way, then go for a run, a swim or a walk with my dog. At some point during exercise, I find a crack in the rock and follow the seam as far as it will take me.

What other creative ventures do you enjoy, and how did you discover them?

I discovered flash fiction recently and have written a half dozen stories under 1,000 words over the past year. Flash fiction allows me to play with an idea in a bite-sized chunk of time and wordcount and recharges my creative energy in between novel writing sessions.

How can we keep up with you and your own work?

My website www.MikeMagluilo.com is where you can find all my writing, sign-up for my newsletter and learn more about my upcoming novel A Reason to Run (Rootstock Publishing, October 2023)